Tuesday, November 29, 2005

The picture where aliens are dragging Jacob to their space ship by his right arm. Posted by Picasa

Cory + me! (I love this picture!) Posted by Picasa

Hiya? Posted by Picasa

Another sweet midair shot. Posted by Picasa

Definitely Cory's best leaf shot. Posted by Picasa

Legs only. Posted by Picasa

My turn. Posted by Picasa

I heart autumn. Posted by Picasa

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Jake in midair! Posted by Picasa

Jake's action shot.  Posted by Picasa

Me + Jake. I mean Rake. Posted by Picasa

Me + Jake. Posted by Picasa

The ceiling of a hallway.  Posted by Picasa

This is a dude from Colorado. (This picture's for Ryan.) Posted by Picasa

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More ceiling action. Posted by Picasa

Sorry for all the architecture shots... I just love the ceilings. This is in the (body-less) crypt.  Posted by Picasa

Here's Jake, standing on the point where all four quadrants of the city meet. Posted by Picasa

Abe Lincoln's giant head, with my head for scale. Posted by Picasa

In the Capitol Building, every state gets two statues. This is William Allen, from Ohio. I looked him up and I don't know why HE'S one of our statues. He seems like a complete tool.  Posted by Picasa

Now Hawaii... Hawaii can pick a statue. Posted by Picasa

Ornaaaaaaate... Posted by Picasa

Prettyprettypretty! Posted by Picasa

So exquisite! So unnecessary! Posted by Picasa